Motivational Haze
It’s been two weeks since I got back home from GDC. In that time I’ve completed approximately nothing and probably gone backwards on some stuff due to lack of attention!
I blame the air travel and time zone shifting. It really fucked me up and I need to find a better way to deal with it next time! It could also be due to general intensity that was the week at GDC. I’ve felt simultaneously inspired and motivated but have been entirely too exhausted to do anything about it.
This week has been a lot better. I’ve felt sane again after a couple of days spent with the family and going to a few local sporting events. Also, starting a bit of physical fitness activity has cleared the head a bit.
Overall I think I’ll need to plan my schedule better around the GDC time next year.
I’ll blame GDC here again… I failed to make anything resembling a game during March! I’m pretty disappointed in the effort. I really thought I’d be able to pump something out. I had a bit of crazy real life shit leading up to my trip that put a block on getting anything done. Oh well. I haven’t decided if I’m going to resume the effort yet.
The Next Big Thing
So wtf am I doing now after the recovery? Well we initially considered switching back to the tactical shooter we’ve been prototyping for a while but we realised we still don’t have all the pieces in place to execute it well enough. This led us to come up with something different….Project:M which will lead us into PAX AUS and beyond! The details will be saved for the PAX event… meanwhile…
Missile Control: Onslaught
One of the other games we’ve played with recently is a new mode variant of Missile Control called Onslaught. It focuses more on a high score chase and uses a gamepad as the primary control system (touch screens still work fine). This is the game we are looking at bringing to the Ouya. I also plan on patching the game mode into Missile Control on iOS /Android. Here’s a screenie running on the Ouya:

So that should be a bit of fun! More info soon.