Development Update #1: Hammers and Mallets

By February 8, 2012 Journal, Missile Control

So here I am, blabbing at a screen late at night after struggling for motivation to actually write something down.


Stop me if I start to ramble…..

A brief intro to the Blunt Instrument: We are a very small group of games industry vets who have long been working together on pet projects and experiments. Recently we (mainly me) decided to try and actually release a game… that game will be called Missile Control.

Bar the two of us in Sydney, the entire group work remotely around the world. Most still work in the games industry for AAA companies as well as doing work for the Blunt Instrument projects.

I myself have moved on from being directly employed in the industry to trying to make a go of this whole indie thing….. here’s hoping it pans out and becomes a full-time ‘money-maker’

The two of us working on Missile Control are myself and an arty dude called Prez.


So how is ‘Missile Control’ progressing? Well, as I type I’m wasting valuable seconds! These could have been used to help finalise the beta build. Hopefully it’s a huge success and we end up knowing exactly what we need to focus on for the final release…. ditching all the un-fun stuff!


Well that’s enough of the general details. I think I’ll post some more specific Missile Control details later….


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