Newly yeared up

By January 2, 2013 Journal, Ouya

2012 is done and it was an interesting year!

The first official year of existance for Blunt Instrument Studios… and the release of our first game! It’s been a great experience so far. Especially all the Sydney IGDA related events and people.

For 2013 we are planning on “more of everything”. A couple of new games will be announced and a couple may even be released. We’re going to try and spend some more time on writing development updates and maybe some more specific research articles (big maybe).

There are big changes ahead for our team in our personal lives. I’m looking to move houses sometime soon (yuck) and Prez is moving to Canberra! Both will impact our development time a bit but hopefully not too much.  Prez will be able to spend more time on Blunt Instrument projects this year. That will help a lot. I’ll be setting up a proper office when I move so that should help me too. Exciting times.



So what did I learn from 2012? Well…. lots of things! The biggest lesson was finding out how huge of a time sink game marketing is.  It really smashed a chunk of my time there for a bit and I really resented it.

I’m not talking about the general game discussions and blog/twitter/fb interactions. I refer to the creation of marketing materials for promotion, sending emails to press, organising advertising, posting to forums… blah blah….   It’s sooooo important indie game devs. I know this. I always knew this. But I can’t bear doing too much of it. We need to grow the company enough so I can pay someone to do it dammit.

I need to fix this somehow…. just suck it up maybe!

There are plenty of other things to say but It’s best not to ramble on I think….

I think I’ll top up this wine and check to see if this android SDK has finished updating. Maybe I can try get something running on this sexy new Ouya!


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