WOTW DevLog: AI movement

It’s quite fun to work on two games at once. It can provide some relief to switch projects when things are a bit busy. A palette cleanser, so to speak. Especially when switching from a VR game like SuperMegaMega.

So I’ve spent some more time working on another team project called We Of The Woods recently. It’s quite a fun project to play with. Procedural generation is one of my favourite things these days and the entire world is generated fresh each time it’s played.

One of the things the game has been lacking is any form of decent AI for the animals populating the world. The main reason being there was no knowledge of the collisions or paths available.

So it’s obvious what had to be done first:

The nav grid is being re-generated whenever the player moves a specified distance. This should let the animals navigate through the colliders easier, giving the appearance of intelligence.  Hunting should also feel better if the animals react properly to encountering a wall. Currently they just turn around and run the other direction but don’t consider where the player is coming from.

Now the navigation works it should just be a matter of tweaking some reaction behaviours for each of the animal types. The goal is to make them react convincingly when being chased by a wolf or bear…. 🙂

fun fun!


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