Coming To The End

By October 1, 2012 Journal, Missile Control

So the development of Missile Control is coming to the finish soon.  We will be submitting a binary to the App Store in a couple of days. Wooo!

This final phase has been a bit rough. There are still so many things I would have liked to add to the game. The toughest part is resisting the urge to re-do things or add non-trival new features. I’ve had several crysis days recently when looking at parts of the game. It’s so easy to feel down about a missing feature or something that didn’t quite turn out as desired.  Stepping back and re-reading the original design goal document really helps here. The game is pretty much where it is meant to be according to the original goals.

I’ve found it really hard to keep updating any blog / social media whilst trying to finalise the game. I tend to be all-consumed by the development process when I’m trying to meet a deadline. I can’t justify popping my head up and losing precious time!

So it’s exciting to submit our first game to the App Store. I honestly don’t know what to expect. The game isn’t being made for the money but it would be nice to cover the development costs incurred. It’s more about a step is the right direction. This is the beginning of our snowball. I hope to keep on rolling and growing from here.


p.s. Here’s a compilation of a few of the new missile sprite variations that will be in the final game…

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