Development Update #2: Hectic

By March 12, 2012 Missile Control

So the last few weeks have been a bit hectic and not for any good reasons! A lot of family/other job issues popped up and sucked up a lot of free time and motivation!

Also, Le Prez has been a bit busy with another project so hasn’t had much time to work on Missile Control.

I’ve managed to get things done but they mostly reached dead ends.

Working on (and finishing) small tasks makes so much difference to motivation and perceived progress on the broad scale. I really have to try and break tasks down even more than I currently do.

So where is “Missile Control” at the moment? Well, it’s in a good space in terms of compatibility! We can now deploy to any platform at any resolution and it will work!

The multi-player mode in now at an ‘alpha’ stage. The game play works, the matchmaking works…. all that’s left is the polishing and debugging and that should be a really fun addition. I’m glad I took the extra bit of pain required to get it done.

A huge benefit of Unity3D is it’s cross-platform support. This allows us to get the multiplayer mode working cross-platform. I can now host a game on any device (pc/mac/ios/android) and play a game against a different platform. iOS vs Android FTW!

I’ll be trying to make some more videos this week. They will detail the different game modes available as well as a bit more detail on the available missiles.


I’ve also vowed to make it to GDC next year! It looks awesome and It’s been a long time since I’ve been to any sort of game dev conference (8 years I think).




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