Mission Accomplished! Now What?

By November 14, 2012 Journal, Missile Control

So with much joy I can finally call myself a game developer!

    Android app on Google Play

Shit yeah! But now what?? As good as it feels, there’s also another strange feeling I can’t figure out yet.  It’s a much darker feeling… I really can’t explain it.

I plan on just jumping into a new project instead of having a break. Every time I take a break for any period of time I come back frustrated and depressed about my lack of productivity. Perhaps I’m all fucked up and need to keep proving to myself I can do this shit…. or perhaps I really just love doing it and nothing else makes me happy!?

Who knows!  One thing I do know is marketing a game is interesting! It’s so new to me there’s so much to learn. I have no idea what I’m doing but just doing it helps so much! This is mainly as an experiment for what works for me and what doesn’t.

So what is next? Well first I’ll start adding some more content to Missile Control. Namely multiplayer and map/missile variants. But at the same time I’ve got another small project I’ll be working on which should have a really fast turn around time. I’d say it will be released before the end of December! Crazy short timeline but I think I can do it.

Rock on!


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