VR DevLog 6: Tech Demo to Game

By July 3, 2013 Journal, Screenshots, VR

Another bunch of time spent doing things…

– Focused on making this little tech demo into a working game demo. Progress made but lots left to do.

– Biggest push has been on the gameplay and game flow. Each weapon in the game will be designed to have an alternate mode that uses the head tracking in some way.

– Played with an interesting way to bring more depth into the game … Basically letting the player switch planes of movement to be further or closer to the view point. It also unlocks lots of gameplay options too.

– On a side note its been hard writing these logs more often. It seems I just need to start typing without any real plans and things just fall onto the page.

– Menus suck with VR! Just putting everything into 3D now and attaching it to the right eye transform.

– Music and sfx are looming large on the list that really need to be in there! I’m setting aside the next few nights for doing this. I’m pretty amateur at the music stuff!


Head tracked reticle

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